Media release

Arrest - Criminal offending - Katherine


Northern Territory Police have successfully apprehended an 18-year-old man this morning, wanted for his involvement in a domestic violence incident and serious property offending. 

The man had been actively avoiding police on multiple occasions going to great effort and self-risk, including swimming across the Katherine River, running through residential yards on various occasions and initiating vehicle pursuits, all while continuing to commit offences allegedly. 

This morning, Patrol Dog (PD) Daly and his handler assisted local police in Katherine with a coordinated arrest plan. Upon arrival at the scene, the man fled through the community. PD Daly picked up on the man's scent and began tracking him into the nearby scrubland, through a dried creek bed and thick grass into a second creek bed, where the man laid low before PD Daly spotted him. The man was signalled to stop. However, he attempted to run when PD Daly apprehended him, and his handler arrested the man. 

The man is expected to be charged later today, where he will then face court at the next available date. 

Sergeant Andrew Thomson said, "This was a successful arrest and great demonstration of different police units working together to bring the individual involved to justice, despite his attempts to avoid police."