Media release

Vehicle crash - Mataranka


Northern Territory Police are investigating a single vehicle crash that occurred around 6.00pm yesterday on the Roper Highway, 90 kilometres from Mataranka.

A four-wheel drive utility containing three occupants was travelling in an easterly direction when the driver attempted to avoid an animal strike and lost control of the vehicle. The vehicle left the roadway and rolled several times.

A female passenger received serious injuries and was conveyed to Royal Darwin Hospital. She remains in a critical but stable condition. The driver and one passenger received minor injuries.

Police who attended the scene today were disappointed to observe two other vehicles travelling on the same stretch of highway with a total of seven unrestrained passengers. One vehicle had two children seated in the cargo section of a station wagon and another had a child in the rear foot well of the vehicle.

Police are reminding motorists that driving on outback highways can be dangerous. Motorists are urged to stay alert, wear seatbelts and drive within their limits and to the conditions.