Media release

Traffic operation - Southern and Barkly


A drunk driver travelling with 11 people in his vehicle, including three unrestrained children has sparked outrage from the Northern Territory Police Force.

Southern Traffic Operations Unit stopped the driver after observing his vehicle travelling without a front bumper and an obvious unsecured rear wheel, 20km south of Tennant Creek on Saturday afternoon.

Once the vehicle stopped, officers found 11 people within the cab, three of whom were unrestrained children under the age of 5.

Officers breath tested the 56-year-old man, who returned a Medium range BAC. He was bailed to appear before the Tennant Creek Local Court at a later date charged with;

  • Drive Medium Range BAC
  • Drive Unlicensed
  • 3 x unrestrained child passengers
  • Driving Unregistered
  • Driving Uninsured
  • Drive a motor vehicle unsafe to drive
  • Drive without serviceable equipment

During the three day operation, two drivers were issued with Notices to Appear after they were detected travelling at excessive speeds.

Police stopped a 57-year-old man after he was recorded travelling 64kmph above the speed limit and travelling 194kmph in a 130kmph zone, just north of Ti Tree. 

Shortly after a 59-year-old woman was clocked doing 106kmph in a 60kmph zone. Both drivers will appear before the Alice Springs Local Court at a later date.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Narelle Beer said the drivers’ actions put others at risk.

“In 2018, almost half of all road fatalities in the Territory involved alcohol, 41 per cent involved not wearing seatbelts and 25 per cent of last year’s fatal collisions involved speeding.

“In this day in age when the messaging of the dangers of drink driving and speeding is everywhere, these actions are just selfish and reckless. These actions kill loved ones.

“Drivers need to wake up to themselves, this behaviour is totally unacceptable and drivers will be held accountable for their actions.”