Media release

Synthetic Cannabis Users Warning


Northern Territory Police are warning all synthetic cannabis users to be wary following two separate incidents in which people sustained injuries after smoking the drug.

Detectives from the Darwin Crime Division are investigating an incident in which a 19-year-old man sustained critical injuries after he allegedly jumped from a Darwin City high-rise shortly after smoking synthetic cannabis on 30 March 2019.

In a separate incident a person was hospitalised on 11 April 2019, after allegedly smoking synthetic cannabis.

Detective Superintendent Mark Stringer from the Darwin Crime Division said he held real concerns for anyone in possession of synthetic cannabis.

“Anyone using any form of drug is putting themselves at risk, but it’s really concerning when we start seeing a pattern possibly involving the same drug,” said Detective Superintendent Stringer

Synthetic Cannabis consumption has been linked to numerous fatalities in the last few years.

“We urge anyone in possession of it – chuck it out, it’s not worth it.”