Media release

Suspicious person - Alice Springs


Northern Territory Police are investigating a report of a suspicious person at a primary school in Alice Springs yesterday.

Just before 3pm two children were waiting out the front of a school in the Gillen area when it is alleged an unknown man in a parked car beeped his horn and gestured for the children to come over.

The children walked back to the school and the man drove off.

The man was driving an older looking maroon, two door single cab ute, with tinted windows and what appeared to be paint tins in the tray.

The man is described as being of Caucasian appearance with a tanned complexion, mid 30s and with a short ginger/brown coloured beard and was wearing a high-viz work polo shirt.

Superintendent Pauline Vicary said police were making number of enquiries in relation to the report and additional patrols will be conducted around the school.

“Thankfully the children did exactly what they are meant to do in an instance. We urge all parents to educate their children about Stranger Danger, and if ever approached or confronted by an adult who makes them feel uncomfortable, to remember the five Rs;

  • Recognised danger - who or what and where is the exit
  • Refuse - refuse the offer, don't go to the vehicle or get in a car with a person you don't know.
  • Raise the alarm - yell, make noise
  • Run - get out of there
  • Report - make sure they tell a parent, guardian or teacher or police

"We take all reports of suspicious activity or suspicious persons seriously and will investigate the circumstances surrounding this alleged incident."