Media release

Structure fire - Tennant Creek


Two women have had a lucky escape from a house fire in Tennant Creek on Friday night.

Around 11pm fire crews responded to a report of a room ablaze at a residence in Weaber Road. On arrival fire crews managed to extinguished the fire which had caused extensive damage to the room and property within.

An occupant told police she was walking towards the house when she heard the fire alarm go off, and on investigating the cause of the alarm, found the lounge room well alight.

The woman alerted another resident sleeping in the house, before the two fled to safety.

Members of the Tennant Creek Investigations Unit are conducting enquiries into the circumstances surrounding the cause of the fire.

Anyone with information which may assist with investigations into this incident is urged to contact police on 131 444 or report it anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 and reference PROMIS number 9017297.