Media release

Rural firebreaks enforced - Alice Springs


Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Services will be conducting fire break checks on rural properties in Alice Springs in the coming days.

Letters were sent to property owners advising them of the requirement to have a minimum four-meter fire break in place, last month.

Acting Senior Station Officer Alice Springs and NTFRS Hazard Abatement Officer, Paul Rubie said the installation of fire breaks on rural properties was an essential step owners could take to protect their property during the fire season.

“We urge all rural property owners to ensure they have fire breaks in place during the fire season,” said A/SSO Paul Rubie

“Not only does it assist in slowing down a fire, but it also provides clear access for attending fire crews.

“It’s the property owners’ legislative requirement to have a minimum four meter fire break, which consists of either bare earth or grass slashed to less than 50mm, in place. Failure to do so will result in an infringement notice and a victim level fine, totally $660.”