Media release

Permits to burn - Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service

Fire and Rescue

Attention: Rural Landholders (Litchfield residents ONLY within the NTFRS Emergency Response Area)

Permits to Burn will be available to Rural Landholders from 8:00am on Monday 16 December 2019.

Contact your local Fire Station or Volunteer Fire Brigade for issuing of permits to burn.

Requests for permits to burn will only be received between 8:00am and 6:00pm, Monday to Saturday.

Strict conditions are related to permits to burn and infringements will be issued if non-compliant burns commence.

  • Garden green waste only, no building or house hold waste allowed.
  • Burn piles to be no larger than 5 metres x 5 metres and have cleared 4 metres wide fire breaks on all sides.
  • The property must comply with Fire and Emergency Regulations regarding fire breaks.
  • The permitted burn must be monitored by a competent person over the age of 18 at all times until extinguished.
  • Neighbours must be notified at least 48 hours before commencing a permit to burn and NTFRS notified prior to ignition.
  • Each site should have sufficient resources to extinguish the fire if required.

The Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service encourage all landholders to consider alternatives to burning wherever possible

Fire Stations and Volunteer Fire Brigade Contact Telephone Numbers

Palmerston Fire Station …... 8932 1335
Humpty Doo Fire Station .… 8988 0296

Volunteer Fire Brigade (After hours only)

Howard Springs …..….……. 8983 2999
Humpty Doo .……................ 8988 4333
Koolpinyah – Herbert ……... 8988 5023
Virginia / Bees Creek ….... 8988 2453 or 8988 9902

Failure to adhere to the terms and conditions of a permit may result in an infringement up to the value of $628.00 + $40.00 levy.