Media release

Operations to tackle trending crime rates - Alice Springs Tennant Creek


Unlawful entries, recidivist offenders and youth related crime will be targeted in operations led by the Northern Territory Police in Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.

Northern Territory Police together with the Department of Education, Territory Families and Department of Local Government, Housing and Community Development launched Operation Marsh in Alice Springs and Operation Tier in Tennant Creek on Monday.

The two operations will use evidence-based and an intelligence-informed approach to tackle the increase in unlawful entries, property crime and stolen motor vehicles in the region. NT Government agencies have committed and dedicated people and resources for the duration of the operations.

Police will conduct increasing overt and covert targeted police patrols in known locations and areas frequented by property offenders, and work closely with other agencies in the case management of offenders.

“We understand and know the impact these crimes have had on our regional towns, and it’s unacceptable,” said Commander Bradley Currie of the Southern Command.

“These issues are not just issues for police to solve, and neither are they issues that can be solved overnight. But we continue to look at a number of strategies, including multiagency approaches, to reduce recidivism and prevent these crimes from occurring.”

“We will utilise all intelligence and data available to us to ensure we are maximising police resources and targeting offenders effectively.”

“Police have and will continue to spend considerable time, effort and resources in crime prevention and targeted operations to apprehend recidivist offenders and case manage high-risk and at-risk youth.”

“Undertaking operations requires ongoing commitment and persistence from our police officers in Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and surrounding remote area police stations. Our officers are constantly striving to maintain a safer Northern Territory. Their efforts are acknowledged and I thank them for their ongoing dedication to keeping our community safe.”

The release of the upcoming crime stats will highlight a significant increase in property related crime in the past 12 months.

To-date in this financial year, police have made 344 arrests, 64 summons and 31 diversion cases.

“Our rate of response and arrest in relation to property crimes has increased exponentially and our members continue to implement evidence-based and intelligence-informed strategies to target offenders,” said Commander Currie

“To succeed in reducing the number of unlawful entries we need residents to ensure they minimise the chances of becoming a victim of crime and secure their homes and vehicles. Unfortunately we continue to see crime as a result of unsecured properties and vehicles.”

“We urge all residents and business owners to be proactive in crime prevention and conduct a home safety audit using free information from Neighbourhood Watch NT and take advantage of NT Government grant programs from such as Biz Secure and Alcohol Secure.”

Members of the community can assist police by reporting any suspicious or antisocial behaviour to 131 444 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1800 333 000.