Media release

New Years' Eve Crowds Mostly Well Behaved


Northern Territory Police were pleased with the mostly good behaviour on display during New Year’s Eve celebrations across the Territory.

Acting Commander Craig Laidler said police were out in force in the greater Darwin area conducting foot patrols, random breath testing and engaging with revellers as they took part in a safe and enjoyable evening.

“We were largely happy with how things went for most of the evening, however we did see some people making a few poor choices,” Commander Laidler said.

Once again this year, the Darwin Waterfront attracted a large crowd in excess of 3500 people for the 9:00pm fireworks display, while the midnight event attracted a crowd of around 1500 people, with no significant incidents reported to police.

“Our traffic team undertook 1909 random breath tests across the northern region. We thank the large majority of people for doing the right thing, however we did see some people making the poor choice to drink and drive.

“Eight people were arrested for drink driving offences, including one High Range (.203); four Medium Range; and three Low Range. Over the course of the night 31 traffic infringement notices were also issued (mostly for registration and speeding offences).

“Police made seven arrests, five of which were in relation to disorderly behaviour.

“The dog operations unit conducted 650 screenings, resulting in two arrests and four drug infringement notices being issued.

“Twenty seven people were taken into protective custody, 16 of whom spent the night in the watch house.”

Acting Commander Bradley Currie said revellers in Alice Springs were generally well behaved.

“Our team were pleased to report that there were no major incidents related to festivities,” Commander Currie said.

“Seven people were arrested for disorderly behaviour and one person was arrested for assaulting a worker at a licensed premises. Eight people were taken into protective custody.

“Police undertook eight random breath test locations over the course of the evening, conducting 90 breath tests, with two people arrested for High Range Drink Driving offences (.173 & .168) and one infringement issued for Low Range Drink Driving. Twelve traffic infringement notices were also issued, not relating to alcohol.”

Both Commanders expressed their thanks to the public for working with them to ensure everyone had a safe evening.

They also thanked police, emergency personnel, and other government departments who worked throughout the night and early morning to ensure the safety of all Territorians.

NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services wish everyone a safe and happy 2019.