Media release

Drunk driver arrested - Alice Springs


A 61-year-old man has been found drink driving almost five times over the legal limit in Alice Springs today.

Northern Territory Police were alerted to a small car driving erratically on the south Stuart Highway just out of Alice Springs around midday.

Members of the Road Safety Command responded, locating and stopping the driver for a roadside breath test, where he returned a reading of 0.245 - almost five times over the illegal limit.

The man was arrested and will be charged with one count each of Driving with a High Range Blood Alcohol Content and Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol.

Southern Traffic Operations Unit Sergeant Conan Robertson said he applauded the actions by the member of the public who witnessed and reported the dangerous driving to police.

“It’s thanks to this person who was able to identify the danger and alert police. This driver could clearly not control his car and presented as a risk to everyone on our roads,” said Sgt Robertson

“Only as a community working together can we eradicate drink driving from our roads. It is a behaviour that we should not accept from anyone, including our friends and family. Enough is enough.”

Make a plan, have a Sober Bob and arrive safely, drink driving is not worth the cost.