Media release

Charges – Traffic Offences – Darwin


Darwin Traffic Operations officers have charged a recidivist traffic offender following three separate incidents.

The 29-year-old man was apprehended by police on two occasions on 12 February 2019. He was located driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle while unlicensed. He was issued with infringement notices on both occasions.

The man was again apprehended by two of the same police officers who issued him with the initial infringement notices around 10:30am yesterday. He was located driving unlicensed in the same unregistered and uninsured vehicle.

The man was subsequently arrested and conveyed to Darwin Watch House.

He was charged with:

  • Drive a Motor Vehicle While Unlicensed
  • Drive Uninsured Motor Vehicle
  • Drive Unregistered Motor Vehicle

Senior Sergeant Angela Stringer said it’s disappointing that the man was apprehended twice in one day and chose to keep driving regardless. 

“As a result of his actions, he found out what the inside of the Darwin Watch House looks like. NT Police will continue to take strong action against recidivist traffic offenders.”

The man was bailed and is due to appear in Darwin Local Court at a later date.