Media release

Charges – Drink driving – Casuarina


Officers from Strike Force Trident have charged a 48-year-old man with traffic offences.

Police sighted the man driving his vehicle on Trower Road, Casuarina, around 11:15am yesterday. He mounted the curb and pulled suddenly into the right hand lane next to him. An unmarked police car which was travelling behind the man had to take evasive action to avoid a crash.

Police conducted a traffic apprehension on Scaturchio Street and the man was arrested. He was conveyed Darwin Watch House where he returned blood alcohol content of 0.316.

He has been charged with:
• Drive Under Influence of Alcohol
• Drive High Range Blood Alcohol Content
• Drive Unlicensed
• Drive Unregistered / Uninsured Motor Vehicle
• Drive Without Due Care

He was remanded in custody to appear in Darwin Local Court on 14 March 2019.