Media release

Charges - Drink Driving - Alice Springs


Southern Traffic Operations have charged a 45-year-old male with drink driving offences.

Around 6:30pm yesterday, the male was apprehended driving a vehicle south on Barrett Drive near the casino. He was stopped for a breath test which returned a positive result. He was arrested and a further breath analysis returned a high range reading of 0.169 blood alcohol concentration.

Police say this was not the first time the male has been apprehended for traffic offences. At the time of his arrest he was also subject of a licence disqualification.

Sergeant Conan Robertson said it is disappointing that this person made a conscious decision to get behind the wheel of the car intoxicated and risked endangering other people.

“With people like this on our roadways you can’t afford to be unrestrained, distracted or drunk. You need to be alert at all times to protect yourself from other people’s mistakes.
“Police continue to apprehend deplorable numbers of drink drivers and it is time for people to stop taking risks. It is not difficult to organise safe transportation if you have been drinking. Please pay the price for a taxi, not the price of a life,” he said.

The man was charged with;
• Drive high range blood alcohol content
• Drive a motor vehicle while disqualified

He was refused bail and is due to appear in Alice Springs Local Court on Tuesday, 29 January 2019.