Media release

Call for witnesses - Boat theft - Port Roper


Police are appealing for witnesses in relation to a boat and trailer that were allegedly stolen from Port Roper.

The alleged theft occurred between 3pm and 7:30pm on Monday 1 April.

The owner of the boat and trailer reported to police that on Monday evening, he and his friends had left the boat and trailer unhooked at their camp site near the old prawn farm close to the Port Roper boat ramp while they hunted at Lorella Springs.

Upon returning to the camp site after dark, the group discovered that the boat and trailer were gone. The group travelled to Mataranka the following morning where the theft was reported.

The group had been fishing and hunting in the Port Roper area since Saturday 30 March.

Approximately $20,000 worth of equipment was in the boat, which itself is valued at about $75,000.

The boat is described as a black 2015 610 Quintrex Territory Legend with a 200 horsepower Yamaha motor. The right side of the boat bears an In & Outboard Marine branded sticker and the words, “610 Territory Legend” in white lettering. The boat has a side console and a black collapsible canopy.

The trailer is described as a silver twin axle with Northern Territory registration TJ9369

Anyone with information that may assist police locate this boat and trailer is urged to contact them on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, referencing PROMIS number 8928733.