Media release

Assault police - Tennant Creek


A 27-year old man will face charges for assaulting a police officer and attempting to escape from custody in Tennant Creek overnight.

Around 7:15pm a Tennant Creek Police officer was escorting a remanded prisoner from hospital to the back of a police vehicle when it is alleged the man attempted to escape.

A struggle occurred between the two men causing them to fall to the ground where they wrestled until the officer regained control and secure the man in the back of the police vehicle.

As a result of the struggle both men were treated by minor injuries at the Tennant Creek Hospital.

The police officer sustained minor injuries to his arms, knees and a laceration to the back of his head during the incident.

Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said, “Assaults on police officers are absolutely unacceptable. Our officers work tirelessly to keep our community safe and should not be subjected to this type of behaviour.