Media release

Alcohol seizure - Alice Springs


Northern Territory Police have seized and destroyed more than 500 litres of alcohol destined for remote dry NT communities during a three day operation.

Five vehicles travelling from South Australia were stopped south of Alice Springs at a drug detection area operated by members of the Cross Border Team, Southern Dog Operations Unit and Alcohol Policing Unit.

During the search of the vehicles, police found 89 five litre wine bladders, 14 four litre wine bladders and a one litre bottle of spirits. The majority of the wine had been removed from the box casing to assist with carriage and concealment.

Seven people were issued with Drug Infringement Notices, two people were issued with Traffic Infringement notices and a man has been summonsed to appear before court at a later date after he was found in possession of a trafficable amount of cannabis.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Leith Phillips said the seizure of this large quantity of alcohol would have a positive impact on the communities it was destined for.

“This is a significant seizure of alcohol destined for vulnerable people at risk of alcohol fuelled violence, said Det A/Snr/Sgt Phillips

“We should see a dramatic decreased in violent alcohol related offending as a result of this seizure.”