Media release

Scam Watch - Robocalls


With the approaching festive season, the Northern Territory Police Cybercrime Unit is urging everyone to be wary of frauds that are currently impacting Territorians.

The past week has seen increased reports where NT residents have been victims of online criminal activities including ATO fraud, business email compromises, romance and investment frauds.

Financials losses for the victims have ranged from $5,600 to in excess of $200,000.

In previous years, the period approaching the Christmas break has been associated with an increased risk of cybercrime. The recent growth in reports suggests this year will follow that trend.

Northern Territory Police would encourage everyone to consider the following:

  • if you receive a call demanding money, hang up and if necessary call the agency back on a known number. The ATO will never require payment in gift cards or threaten you with immediate arrest;
  • if you receive any email correspondence about changed bank account or payment details, confirm through a phone call using a known number or by meeting the other party before making any payment;
  • do not pay money to someone you have not met in person, this includes people you have met online through dating websites or investment forums.

Anyone who has lost money through cybercrime is encouraged to report the matter to their financial institution and to police through the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network at or by calling 131 444.