Media release

Noonamah Rodeo Wrap Up


On Saturday, 26 May, the first Noonamah Rodeo for 2018 was held.

Police maintained a presence throughout the night, conducting patrols at the rodeo and surrounding campgrounds.

Random breath-testing stations were set up at various locations with 353 drivers tested. Nine drivers were arrested for exceeding the prescribed legal limit.

31 people were removed from the event with a further 12 moved on from outside the location. A further three people were arrested for offences.

Patrols of the campgrounds and surrounding areas outside the location resulted in 55 litres of alcohol being destroyed and community members educated.

Police issued a further:

  • 31 traffic infringement notices
  • 6 notices to appear
  • 1 defect notice
  • 1 liquor infringement notice
  • 4 summary infringement notices

Acting Superintendent Nathan Finn said approximately 3000 people attended the rodeo and the majority behaved in an appropriate manner.

“It is disappointing to see the number of persons who committed traffic offences in and around the venue. The decision to drink and drive often leads to devastating outcomes for all involved,”

“We would like to remind the public of the Enough is Enough and Towards Zero campaigns which aim to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on NT Roads,”

“This is a timely reminder to think before you drink,” he said.