Media release

Liquor Seized - Tennant Creek


Northern Territory Police have seized a quantity of alcohol following an attempted grog run around 7:30 this morning.

Police apprehended a vehicle on the Stuart Highway, approximately 10 kilometres north of Tennant Creek.

The vehicle was searched and police located 60.3 litres of alcohol which was subsequently destroyed.

It is believed the occupants purchased the alcohol from interstate.

A 27-year-old male was issued with a summary infringement notice for disorderly behaviour.

Superintendent Kerry Hoskins said “it appears this seizure is smaller than others police have had in recent times,”

“We believe this is indicative of the impact police are having on secondary supply,”

“Police will continue to target those who seek to take liquor into alcohol protected areas,” she said.

Anyone with information on secondary supply is asked to notify police on 131444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.