Media release

Flooded Road Rescue - Old Bynoe Road


The Northern Territory Emergency Service (NTES) is reminding drivers “if it’s flooded, forget it” this wet season.

NTES Palmerston volunteers were called out to rescue a driver her 4 x 4 vehicle at the Old Bynoe Road crossing around 11 o’clock on Sunday.

The crew used a small boat to retrieve the woman.

NTES Northern Command Regional Manager Mark Cunnington says it was fortunate she was able to get onto the roof of the vehicle and call for help after the depth and flow of the water washed the vehicle off the crossing.

“The driver is lucky the water wasn’t much deeper or flowing faster.

“The situation could have ended in tragedy,” he said.

NTES staff say vehicles continued to ford the crossing while the woman was being rescued.

“It’s disappointing that people simply are not heeding our message to avoid driving through flooded crossings.

“To hear of people driving through this crossing while we are rescuing someone at the time with the consequences clear in your face is ridiculous,” Mr Cunnington said.

The flood gauge had a reading of 1.2 metres.

“Impassable” signs were also in place.

Mr Cunnington said drivers who don’t heed the warning “turn around, don’t drown” should consider the impact of their actions.

“Have a good think about what you are about to do.

“At best, you’ll lose your car and your insurance,” he said.

“At worst, it’s your life or that of a loved one.”

The vehicle remains stranded.

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