Media release

Arrest for secondary supply of alcohol Alice Springs


Alice Springs Police have arrested and charged three people in an operation targeting the illegal secondary supply of alcohol in Alice Springs yesterday.

Utilising Police surveillance and information received from members of the public, a vehicle and three women were identified to be selling alcohol at various locations across Alice Springs in the past week.

Police conducted an operation yesterday where they observed the offenders selling multiple bottles of wine outside a business before driving off. Officers stopped the vehicle a short distance away and arrested three women aged, 47, 29 and 25-year-old.

The vehicle was searched and 35 bottles of white wine and a quantity of cash were located inside.

The trio will be charged with multiple counts of Sale of Liquor Not Authorised by a Licence, Supply Liquor in a Restricted Area and will be issued Banned Drinkers Orders (BDOs) due to the involvement of alcohol in this offending.

The vehicle has been seized and police will seek its forfeiture due to its involvement in the commission of these offences.

Acting Senior Sergeant Danny Bell said the women were highly organised and were targeting vulnerable members in the community.

“The sellers were effectively selling commercial quantities of alcohol from their vehicle leading up to the normal trading hours for takeaway liquor outlets, said A/Snr Sgt Bell

“It is a serious offence to sell liquor without a licence and attracts a penalty of up to 12 months imprisonment and a substantial fine.”

Police will continue to use all available resources and strategies to target these offences and will seek maximum penalties for those prosecuted.

Offenders also risk of having all items involved in such offences, including motor vehicles, seized.

“Those looking to engage in this criminal activity must also consider the increased penalties announced by the NT Government last month, with the maximum penalty to be increased to a $46,200 fine and three years imprisonment later in 2018,” said A/Snr Sgt Bell

To assist police to continue to protect the Alice Springs community, we encourage everyone to report all suspected instances of illicit alcohol sales by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.