Media release

Easter Weekend Traffic Wrapup


Northern Territory Police were generally happy with the behaviour of motorists on Territory roads over the Easter break.

Roadside breath testing stations were set up across the NT, including urban areas and regional roads to popular fishing and camping locations.

In Darwin, 3891 drivers were breath-tested; 3883 returned negative readings. Across the Territory, 27 drivers were apprehended for driving over the limit.

That 27 included:

  • Four low range drink drivers
  • 15 medium range drink drivers
  • Eight high range drink drivers

“These figures are comparable to last year’s Easter statistics. There are still too many people who get behind the wheel after drinking without considering the consequences,” Acting Commander Joanne Foley said.

Two motorists failed to stop for a roadside breath test. They were apprehended and both returned high range readings. Both were charged with high range drink driving and failing to obey police.

A 28-year-old man was apprehended in the Darwin CBD just before 1:00am on Saturday morning after being seen driving erratically by CCTV operators. He returned a reading of 0.232%, which was the highest reading recorded over the Easter period.

“Generally, though, motorists across the Territory were well-behaved.”