Media release

Call for Information - Attempted Armed Robbery - Ludmilla


Northern Territory Police are investigating an attempted armed robbery at the United Service Station, Ludmilla.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Glenn Leafe said the incident occurred around 9:15pm last night.

“An unknown male has entered the Bagot Road service station armed with a knife and demanded a staff member to hand over cash and cigarettes.

“Another vehicle has pulled into the station, which caused the offender to flee empty handed.

The offender is described as being of Indigenous appearance, approximately 170cm tall and of thin build.

He was last seen wearing a grey t-shirt, brown camouflage knee-length shorts and a dark coloured bandana with white printing on the front.

“Police are also calling for the driver of a silver coloured sedan who pulled into the service station at 9:17pm to come forward. We believe this driver may have witnessed the offender fleeing from the area,” said Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Leafe.

If you have any information that may assist please contact police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.