Media release

Youths Charged – Alice Springs


Two youths aged 14 and 17 have been charged in relation to an incident in Alice Springs overnight. It is alleged that the youths attended a set of units in Lovegrove Drive, Araluen, climbing a balcony to gain access to the top floor.

“Police allege that they entered two units, stealing a handbag, wallet and car keys from one premises,” said Assistant Commissioner Jamie Chalker.

Witnesses saw the pair running from the property.

Police attended and as the victim had their car keys stolen, secured the vehicle with a wheel lock to prevent its theft by the thieves.

“This proved very insightful as the offenders returned at 1.50am and attempted to steal the motor vehicle, however were unable to do so due to the wheel lock being in place,” Assistant Commissioner Chalker said.

“They were apprehended nearby a short time later and inquiries revealed they were not residents of Alice Springs.”

The 17-year-old male has been charged with:

  • Unlawful entry - dwelling x 2
  • Unlawful use of motor vehicle
  • Stealing x 2
  • Assault Police
  • Resist Police in the execution of their duty
  • Damage to property

The 14-year-old male has been charged with:

  • Unlawful entry - dwelling x 2
  • Unlawful use of motor vehicle
  • Stealing

Bail has not yet been determined.

“This type of criminal activity is exactly what will be targeted across the Northern Territory under Task Force Neo, as announced last week,” Assistant Commissioner Chalker said.

Task Force Neo is a whole of government approach to reduce the incidence of youth crime across the Territory.

“In this instance, the residents were able to give very good descriptions of the offenders that led to their quick apprehension.

“Residents are reminded not to leave their property vulnerable to theft and police will continue to develop new strategies to reduce crime in collaboration with the community,” Assistant Commissioner Chalker said.