Media release

Youth Charged - Palmerston


Strike Force Trident Detectives have charged a 15-year-old male following several unlawful entries and the theft of a motor vehicle in Palmerston yesterday.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the youth allegedly attended a residence in Bakewell and attempted to enter two vehicles before breaking into a third vehicle and stole a quantity of cash at around 4am.

“Police allege the youth entered another two residences and stole a handbag, wallet, cigarettes and a Toyota Hilux.

“It is alleged the youth abandoned the vehicle in Woodroffe and was arrested a short time later.”

He was charged with:

Aggravated unlawful entry

Unlawful use of a motor vehicle

Trespass (x3)

Stealing (x2)

Attempt to commit a crime (x2)

Breach of bail

He will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court on 9 February.