Media release

Tropical Cyclone Lam - Update#7 - Shelter opens in Milingimbi


Cyclone Lam has taken a southerly turn overnight and is currently tracking towards the Northern Territory coast near Elcho Island.

The Bureau of Meteorology has advised the cyclone continues to intensify.

Regional Controller, Commander Bruce Porter said cyclone shelters in Milimgimbi and Galiwinku are now open and residents who do not have accommodation constructed to the building code should proceed to their shelters.

Yirrkala Laynhapuy Homelands Centre closed last night as a cyclone shelter as no residents were using the facility. It has reopened this morning.

At 7.30am TC Lam was located approximately 95 kilometres northeast of Elcho Island and travelling southwest at seven kilometres an hour.

“Evacuation of residents in the community of Warruwi on Goulburn Island is under way.

“Police, Fire and Emergency Services are working closely with the local community and a range of Northern Territory Government agencies to ensure the safe evacuation of approximately 350 residents and 30 contractors from the community.

“A cyclone warning now exists from Croker Island to Cape Shield, including Nhulunbuy and adjacent inland areas to Bulman.

“A cyclone watch extends from Groote Eylandt and inland areas including Numbulwar and Port Roper.

“Tune in to your local radio and/or television stations for further information and warnings,” said Commander Porter.

Further information about how to prepare can be found at

For the latest Bureau of Meteorology Advice go to