Media release

Travel Warning – Central Desert


Large sections of the Northern Territory, including Central Australia are experiencing high levels of rainfall with some areas in Central Australia expected to have 60-80mm of rain

This will see a number of roads to Communities become either impassable or treacherous to drive due to wet and muddy conditions.

NT Police would like to advise motorists planning to travel to and from communities to postpone their travels plans until such time as weather and road conditions allow for safe travelling.

In the last two days Central Desert has had two incidents reported involving motorists travelling in remote Central Australia.

Senior Sergeant Potts of Central Desert Division said Police continue to search for a group of three who were driving their white Mitsubishi dual cab utility from Nyirripi to Lajamanu on Monday.

“A 57-year-old man, 53-year-old woman and a nine-year-old girl are believed to be driving along the back road to Tanami Highway and then onto Lajamanu Road through to Lajamanu.

“Due to the weather and road conditions we believe they may have become bogged at some part of their journey. Police are attempting to locate the group via road, however, weather conditions are currently preventing an air search.

“Yesterday, a 55-year-old man became bogged along the Plenty Highway, 140kms from the Queensland border. Thankfully the man activated his EPIRB and was safely transported home. The incident highlights the importance of having an EPIRB or PLB (Personal Location Beacon) when travelling in remote areas.

“Due to these conditions motorists risk becoming stranded or involved in a crash at a location which emergency response units may find difficult to get to. The low level of cloud accompanying this inclement weather is also preventing aircraft from flying in some areas that may require a search and rescue operation.

“It is essential that you plan your travels and let friends or family know when and where your journey will start, any proposed stops and your expected time of arrival.  

“Be sure to carry sufficient food and water with you to last for at least two to three days. 

“Should your vehicle become bogged you are strongly advised to remain with your vehicle until help arrives. 

“Walking off to get help often results in people getting lost or dehydrated which may have fatal consequences,” Senior Sergeant Potts said.