Media release

Six People Arrested during Operation - Alice Springs


Six people have been arrested during an early morning operation in Alice Springs today.

Superintendent Travis Wurst said Police received information that alcohol was being consumed in some Alcohol Protected Areas during the early hours of the morning.

“Police located a small quantity of alcohol and three people were arrested for medium range drink driving while one person was arrested for high range drink driving.

“Police also arrested a further two people for bail related offences and issued three infringement notices for consuming alcohol in an Alcohol Protected Area, disobey a red light and smoke with a child in the vehicle.

“Police will continue to focus on the safety of the Alice Springs community as a whole and target those who do not abide by the current Northern Territory alcohol laws as well as those who engage in risky behaviour by choosing to drink and drive.

“Not only are you putting your own life at risk but you are endangering the life of other road users and Alice Springs residents.”