Media release

Public Assistance Required - Alice Springs


Detectives investigating an attempted robbery in Alice Springs on Friday 6 February are requesting public assistance to locate the alleged offender.

Detective Sergeant Leith Phillips said the incident occurred at about 2.30pm on Gregory Terrace.

“A male has entered a business armed with what Police understand was a 25 centimetre knife and demanded money from a female employee.

“The male has left the scene on being told there was no money on the premises.”

Detective Phillips said the male has been described as having dark skinned, 30 to 40 years old with black hair and a short black beard.

“The man was dressed in a black t-shirt, black pants, black fingerless gloves with a black scarf and carrying a black carry type gym bag or backpack.

“He was last seen heading along Gregory Terrace and into Railway Terrace.”

Anyone who may have seen a man matching this description in the area of Railway Terrace after 2.30pm on Friday is urged to contact Police on 131 444 or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.