Media release

Public Assistance in Drink Driving Arrests Alice Springs


Sergeant Conan Robertson of the Alice Springs Traffic Unit said that two drunk drivers have been arrested this week after members of the public alerted Police to their erratic driving.

“On 6 November a member of the public reported that there was an allegedly intoxicated male driving near the Alice Springs Civic Centre. About 10 minutes later the car was sighted by CCTV operators. This information was passed to a patrolling vehicle that located and apprehended the vehicle on Gregory Terrace a short time later.

“The 18-year-old driver appeared visibly intoxicated and could not manage to complete a breath test before he was arrested for a breath analysis.”

NT Police also arrested a 43-year-old man this morning after a concerned member of the public reported a drunk driver in a red Holden Barina hatch driving south on the Stuart Highway.

“Alice Springs Police had been alerted by a member of the public to a car that had run a red light and was all over the road at about 8:00am this morning.

“The driver was breath tested and returned a reading of .211 BrAC,” Sergeant Robertson said..

“This is the second incident in a week where information from the public has helped to remove a menace from our roads.

“Police will be targeting drink drivers with ongoing RBT stations and traffic apprehensions as we head into the festive season.

“Whilst we cannot be everywhere, all the time, with the support of the community we have eyes and ears to assist us in stopping offenders by recording and reporting offences. Police appreciate the support of the public and it is only by working together and encouraging safe driving that we can hope to reduce the death and carnage on our roads.

“Plan ahead and have a safe way to get home from the parties you are attending in the lead up to Christmas this year,” said Sergeant Robertson.