Media release

Police Presence - Lightning Carnival


Police will have a strong presence at the Lightning Carnival held at Traeger Park Oval this Easter weekend as thousands of visitors are expected to travel to Alice Springs for the event.

Superintendent Travis Wurst said extra patrols will provide a welcome support to Police in dealing with the large influx of people in town.

“Alice Springs Police will be out in force to discourage any disorderly behaviour both at the football and throughout the Alice Springs region.

“Police were pleased with the behaviour at last year’s event and we are confident that the community will demonstrate the same level of maturity and support during the Lightning Carnival.

“The message is simple– Enjoy yourselves and the great town of Alice Springs, however be responsible. If you do the wrong thing, expect a visit from Police.

“Our troops will be undertaking high visibility patrols and focusing on alcohol related offending.

“Police are committed to seeing a safer Alice Springs and urge anyone travelling into the region to ensure arrangements for accommodation and transport home have been organised.”