Media release

Operation Sepio Wrap Up


Operation Sepio, an initiative to raise awareness for road safety leading up to the festive season has concluded.

Superintendent Jody Nobbs from the Darwin Metropolitan Division said the operation ran from 29 Octoberto 15 November and saw an increased in Police presence on our roads.

“The operation was broken down into three phases starting with community engagement days where officers hit the streets to distribute educational flyers that centred around the three fundamental aspects of road safety:

  • Avoiding the fatal five (speed, fatigue, drink/drug driving, distraction and not wearing a seatbelt),
  • Is your vehicle roadworthy?
  • Who’s your Sober Bob?

“Another aspect of the operation was our collaboration with the Motor Vehicle Registry which involved the set-up of a vehicle inspection station at the Mindil Beach car park. Here road users were able to have their vehicles checked by compliance officers to ensure they were roadworthy.”

A number of Roadside Breath Testing Stations were also set up throughout the campaign.

“Overall, Police were generally happy with the behaviour of motorists with only eight out of the 3570 people tested returning a medium to high range reading. This is significantly lower than return rates NT Police have had at Random Breath Testing stations around the Darwin CBD recently.

“Northern Territory Police will continue to target road safety and driver responsibility as we head into the end of year festive season,” said Superintendent Nobbs.