Media release

Operation Crossroads Concludes


Operation Crossroads, a national operation to reduce trauma on our roads this festive season has concluded.

Superintendent Bob Rennie from the Traffic Operations Division said the results this year were disappointing with a large number of drivers being booked for drink driving.

“This year 63 individuals were booked for drink driving, and as far as I’m concerned that is way too many people putting their lives and the lives of others at risk by getting behind the wheel drunk.

“It is also disappointing to see the number of people caught speeding during this year’s operation.

“It’s a known factor that speed kills, and when you’re pairing that with alcohol and wet roads, the outcome is often tragic”.

Operation Crossroads stats:

RBTS administered (TSN)


Drink driving offences


Licence offences - Drive Disqualified, Suspended or unlicensed


Seatbelt infringements


Speeding offences - does not include - camera detected offences