Media release

Man Charged - Central Desert Region


A 31-year-old man has been charged with 23 offences following an incident at Tilmouth Well on Tuesday morning.

Detective Acting Superintendent Peter Malley said the offender was involved in the alleged aggravated assault of a 27-year-old woman prior to causing thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to Tilmouth Well Roadhouse.

“He fled the scene but was arrested by Police on Tuesday afternoon.”

He has been charged with:

Deprive a person of liberty (x2)

Armed with an offensive weapon at night

Aggravated assault (x2)

Drive a vehicle in a manner dangerous

Recklessly endangering serious harm (x6)

Make threats to kill a person

Possess carry a controlled weapon

Armed with offensive weapon

Damage to property (x3)

Assault a person preventing injury to another

Engage in a conduct that contravenes a DVO

Drive motor vehicle unlicensed

Fail to obey directions of a Police Officer

Attempt to commit a crime (unlawful entry)

He was remanded in custody and will appear in Alice Springs Magistrates Court today.