Media release

Flood WARNING – Waterhouse River – Update #3


The Bureau of Meteorology has advised that a moderate flood warning remains in place for the Waterhouse River, with the water level at Beswick Bridge approaching a moderate flood peak early this afternoon.

River levels at Diljin Hill have peaked and have commenced to ease. River levels downstream at Beswick Bridge are at 8.18 metres which is above the moderate flood level (8.10 metres) but the Bureau of Meteorology advises that levels are falling.

A flood watch remains in place for the Arnhem and North West Coastal Rivers. Rain with heavy falls is forecast in parts of the Daly, Gregory and western Carpentaria for the rest of today and Sunday.

Catchments likely to be affected include the Daly River.

Commander Bruce Porter APM, Region 2 Controller, said the Local Emergency Management Committees at Maranboy and Katherine began preparations yesterday, in line with well-established local plans.

“Authorities are continuing to monitor the rainfall and river levels in catchment areas and if necessary will further activate the plans.

“Residents are advised to exercise caution if driving and to drive to the conditions.

“Do not attempt to cross flooded waterways unless you are sure of the depth and speed of the water.

“Stay away from flooded drains, rivers, streams and waterways and stop children playing in or near floodwaters.

“Stay away from fallen power lines, they are dangerous and should always be treated as live.

“Please ensure your emergency flood preparations have commenced and continue to listen to your local radio and/or television stations for further information and warnings,” Commander Porter said.

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