Media release

Escapee recapture - Tiwi


A prisoner who escaped while on day release has been recaptured in Darwin’s northern suburbs.

Escapee Dale Atkinson was located in the roof cavity of a residence in Tiwi yesterday afternoon. Police will allege that he was armed with a knife and threatened officers.

Once attending Crime Investigators identified Atkinson was present, General Duties members were dispatched to assist in securing the area prior to arrival of members of the Territory Response Group with the immediate area closed to traffic.  They were assisted by the Dog Operations Unit who also deployed.

Police Negotiators responded and successfully negotiated a safe outcome resulting in Atkinson being taken into custody. Two others from the house were arrested for harbouring the fugitive.

Acting Assistant Commissioner Darwin Metropolitan Service Anne-Marie Murphy APM commended officers on the outcome of the incident.

“From their efforts in locating the escapee through to diffusing a potentially volatile situation I have no doubt that the professional action of the NT Police Force members was a key element in achieving a peaceful resolution within a short period of time.

“I also thank the public for their cooperation in this matter.”

Atkinson has been charged with:

  • Escaping lawful custody
  • Assaulting police.
    • The two others at the house have been charge with:

    • Harbouring an escaped prisoner.