Media release

Cross Border Team - Operation Success - Central Australia


The Cross Border Team (CBT) have conducted three days of operations targeting drug and alcohol routes as part of Operation Dry Lands, which is the Police operation covering the annual APY Lands sports carnival, this year held in the South Australian Aboriginal Community of Ernabella.

CBT Detectives, with the assistance of the Dog Operations Unit conducted the flowing actions:

  • Rolling road blocks of known transit routes to Ernabella
  • Flight screening at Yulara Airport
  • Assisting SA Police members with searches and response to substance abuse in Ernabella
  • Targeted enquiries in relation to locating and dealing with high risk NT violence offenders

Detective Sergeant Andrew Bedwell said that whilst no illicit drugs were detected, Police were able to seize a substantial amount of alcohol that was headed to the community.

“This is another example of the Cross Border Team working in partnership with interstate Police to reduce harm caused by illicit substances in remote communities,” Detective Sergeant Bedwell said.

The CBT activities achieved the following results:

  • 106 litres of alcohol intercepted, seized and destroyed
  • Assist SA Police with community response matters in Ernabella
  • 1 x carton of beer and 1 x bottle of rum located and seized.
  • 1 x NT target offender dealt with in Fregon SA on violence offences and Warrant
  • Two further high risk domestic violence offenders identified as being in community and arrest plans arranged with SA Police members.

“The CBT will continue reduce violent crime and target criminal networks by tracking down known violent offenders who flee to remote cross border communities as well as those involved in the supply of illicit substances and alcohol to remote communities.”