Media release

Cross Border Domestic Violence Target Arrested - Central Australia


Northern Territory Police are working with South Australia and Western Australian Police by using the Cross Border Justice provisions to ensure domestic violence offenders are located and arrested from anywhere in the cross border region.

Detective Superintendent Travis Wurst said early Tuesday morning a 30-year-old male was located in Ernabella by South Australia Police and arrested on outstanding warrants in both South Australia and the Northern Territory.

“Police allege the man assaulted his partner in Alice Springs last month before fleeing the Northern Territory.

“NT Police will continue to take a zero tolerance approach towards domestic and family violence.  This is just one of the ways in which we are working together to ensure a safer and resilient Northern Territory.

“Police urge anyone who may be a victim of domestic violence, or anyone who may be a witness or even suspect this type of crime is being committed, to contact Police on 131 444, Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”