Media release

Call for Witnesses - Death - Alice Springs


Police are calling for witnesses in relation to an incident which occurred at around 8:20pm in the carpark between Railway Terrace and Bath Street last night.

Southern Watch Commander Drew Slape said a 12-year-old male was found unconscious by members of the public who notified Police.

“The Officer commenced first aid and the child was conveyed to Alice Springs Hospital via St John Ambulance.

“Despite the best efforts of attending Police, Paramedics and medical staff, tragically the young male has passed away.

“Initial investigations have led Police to believe that the use of inhalants were a factor in taking this young person’s life.

“Anything related to inhalant or substance abuse is of grave concern to Police and we ask if members of the community witness this behaviour to report it to Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”