Media release

Arson Charges - Alice Springs


Police have charged a 26-year-old man with arson following a unit fire in Alice Springs on Christmas Day.

Detective Senior Constable Deanne Ward from the Southern Serious Crime Squad said the man was arrested yesterday.

“Police and the NT Fire Rescue Service (NTFRS) conducted investigations into the fire.

“Police will allege the man climbed over a fence and forced entry into the vacant unit.

“He then allegedly set fire to a bed before leaving the scene.”

Detective Senior Constable Ward said a quick response from NTFRS and Police ensured damage to the unit was limited.

“The man will also face charges of trespass, unlawful entry and damage property.  He will appear in the Alice Springs Magistrate Court on February 12, 2015.”

Another unit fire in the same area on the same day was found to be non-suspicious.