Media release

Youths Charged for Crime Spree - Darwin


Four youths are to appear in the Darwin Youth Justice Court tomorrow in relation to a crime spree in the Northern Suburbs on the weekend.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the youths were allegedly involved in four separate incidents on Saturday 10 May.

“At around 8am, it is alleged the youths stole a van and a small refrigerator from a home in Moil, only to break down in Leanyer a short time later.

“It’s reported that the youths waved down a 66-year-old man who attempted to offer assistance. The youths fled the scene with the man’s wallet and other personal items. The victim gave chase in his vehicle and recovered his wallet nearby.”

At around 6:50pm it is alleged the same youths attended the Anula Supermarket and threatened the store owner. The group fled the scene with cigarettes, soft drinks and a quantity of cash.

A short time later Police received a report that the group had attended the Northlakes Shopping Centre and stole a quantity of alcohol.

Yesterday Police located and arrested five of the youths, four males and a female, aged 12-15.

They were charged with a number of offences including robbery, stealing, trespass and unlawful use of a motor vehicle.

The 12-year-old male received bail and the three males, two aged 14 and a 15-year-old, were remanded in custody.

A 15-year-old female is to receive Youth Diversion.

“This type of mindless behaviour is unacceptable and Strike Force Trident Detectives expect to make further arrests in relation to these offences,” Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer concluded.