Media release

Woman Charged with Stealing - Darwin


Strike Force Trident Detectives have charged a 37-year-old woman in relation to a number of stealing incidents across Darwin and Palmerston last month.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said Police allege the woman stole around $180 worth of petrol in three separate drive-offs in Yarrawonga and Malak.

“Police allege the woman stole two charity tins from take away outlets in Palmerston and Northlakes.

“It is also alleged the woman attempted to steal around $500 worth of groceries from a supermarket in Casuarina Village.

“Police executed a search warrant at a residence in Karama yesterday and located two metal decorative statues stolen from a store in Karama on 6 October.”

She was arrested and charged with stealing (x8) and will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court on 27 October.

“It is disappointing when Police deal with theft it is even more concerning when it involves a charitable organisation,” Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said.