Media release

Woman Charged with Property Offences - Darwin


A 19-year-old woman will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court today in relation to a number of unlawful entries and stealing offences across Darwin.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said Police allege the offender unlawfully entered a residence in Millner on 10 August and stole a laptop and a PlayStation 3.

“Police also allege the offender stole a Volkswagen from a residence in Marrara in May. The offender drove the Volkswagen to a service station in Malak and filled the vehicle with $58 worth of petrol before driving off without paying."

Detectives from Strike Force Trident arrested the woman yesterday and charged her with:

Stealing (x3)

Unlawful entry – dwelling (x2)

Aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle

Learner driver – no one in front seat

Disorderly behaviour in a Police Station.