Media release

Witnesses Sought – Robbery - The Gardens


Police are calling on assistance from the public in relation to a robbery which occurred in The Gardens this morning.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Karl Day from the Serious Crime Squad said at around 9am today a 34-year-old woman was walking with her young daughter along the bike path between Gardens Hill Crescent and Ramirez Road when she was approached by an unknown man.

“The man allegedly threatened the woman with a small knife and demanded money. The woman gave the man a sum of cash before he fled the area and was last seen heading towards the city. The victim received a cut to her arm which required medical treatment.

“The male is described to be of Caucasian appearance with tanned skin, approximately 180cm tall and at the time was unshaven. He was wearing a white t-shirt with small black print on the upper right chest area. He was also wearing dirty white knee length shorts, a black baseball cap and thongs. It is believed the man was possibly missing a tooth or had a silver dental cap.

“I urge anyone who may have seen a man matching this description, or who may have witnessed the incident, to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000,” Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Day said.