Media release

Unlawful Entries Arrests - Darwin


Strike Force Trident members have arrested a 14-year-old and a 15-year-old youth today in relation to a stolen motor vehicle and a number of unlawful entries.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said it is alleged that on the night of Tuesday 16 December the two youths unlawfully entered two residences and trespassed at another two residences.

“The youths allegedly unlawfully entered residences in Bakewell and Bayview and stole phones, ipods, bank cards and a Toyota Corolla.

“It is alleged they drove the stolen vehicle around the Palmerston area doing burn outs.

“Their images were captured on CCTV cameras as they allegedly trespassed on properties in Gunn.

“They allegedly attempted to purchase items at various service stations and shops using the stolen cards.

“At 12:00pm Wednesday members arrested the youths after they were spotted by Police sitting in the stolen vehicle in Gray.

“While in custody it is alleged one of the youths assaulted a Police Officer,” said Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer.

Both youths have been refused bail and have been charged with unlawful entry, stealing, trespass on premises, unlawful use of motor vehicle, driving in a dangerous manner, driving a motor vehicle while unlicensed, assault Police, disorderly behaviour in a Police Station and attempt escape lawful custody.

They are due to appear in the Youth Justice Court today.