Media release

Two Youths Charged With Property Offences - Howard Springs


Two female youths have been charged with a number of property offences following an unlawful entry at a service station in Howard Springs this morning.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer from Strike Force Trident said the two youths aged 14 and 16 unlawfully entered the premises on Whitewood Road at around 12:40am.

“The youths allegedly stole mobile phones, cigarettes and confectionary valued at $850 and caused around $1,500 worth of property damage before fleeing the area.

“Members from the Dog Operations Unit and General Duties conducted a search for the two offenders and located them at a residence in Gunn a short time later.”

They have been charged with:

Aggravated enter building with intent to commit offence


Damage to property.

They will appear in the Darwin Youth Justice Court on 2 May, 2014.