Media release

Tainted Property Arrests - Borroloola


Northern Territory Police have arrested two males, aged 19 and 21, after they were found in possession of a large quantity of cash believed to be from the proceeds of crime.

Senior Sergeant Dan Davison from Borroloola Police said it is alleged the men were selling drugs.

“Both men have been charged with supply a dangerous drug to an aboriginal community and possess tainted property.

“Police are committed to disrupting the supply of drugs and to reduce harm associated with such trade in remote communities.

"By seizing this cash we have sent a clear message that we will not tolerate profiteering from this kind of activity.

“Unfortunately, people in these communities have parted with more than $30,000, money that would have been much better spent elsewhere.”

Both men have been remanded in custody to appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court on 25 February.