Media release

Strike Force Trident Arrest Five Youths - Adelaide River


Strike Force Trident Detectives have arrested five youths following the theft of a vehicle from a residence in Palmerston.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said Police allege the youths unlawfully entered a residence in Gray on Monday night and stole a Nissan Skyline valued at $10,000.

“Police allege the youths drove the vehicle to Adelaide River before getting it stuck in bushland and abandoning it.

“The youths were arrested a short time later at a nearby property.

“Two 12-year-old males and a 14-year-old male were charged with a number of offences including unlawful entry, stealing, unlawful use of a motor vehicle and furnishing a false name.”

They will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court on Friday 17 October.

A 13-year-old female and a 14-year-old male received Youth Diversion.