Media release

Strike Force Trident Apprehend 1000 Offenders


Strike Force Trident have apprehended 1000 people for more than 3000 offences as part of a crackdown on property related crime across Darwin Palmerston and the Rural Area.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said Trident was established in September 2012 to target property crime offenders, 76% of people we have arrested are hard core repeat offenders.

“During the past 14 months Strike Force Trident has seen the arrest of 820 people charged with 3857 offences. Members also summonsed a further 180 people.

“Our efforts to date have seen a significant decrease in property related crime, particularly unlawful entries, across Darwin, Palmerston and the rural areas.

“This is a fantastic result and a testament to the hard work of all members involved.”

Strike Force Trident will continue to relentlessly target those who commit property crimes.

“If you choose to engage in this type of behaviour, stealing and damaging people’s hard earned property, then we will hunt you down and ensure offenders are placed before the court for their criminal conduct."